AG - Best Management Practices (BMPs)

Protecting and improving the quality of Wyoming County’s water resources is one of the main objectives of the Soil and Water Conservation District. The implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) throughout the County are aimed at decreasing transfer of soil and nutrients to our water resources. The Wyoming County Soil and Water Conservation District provides technical assistance in the planning and design of erosion control practices and many agricultural BMPs. All of these activities help to protect our water resources. Along with technical assistance to land owners, the Soil and Water Conservation District has been involved in research on some of the area lakes and streams, attempting to observe the effects of installed BMPs.

Water and Sediment Control Basin (WASCOB)

A WASCOB improves a farmer’s ability to farm sloping lands by trapping sediment and water running off of higher elevation farmlands and preventing it from washing onto land and water bodies below. This is beneficial to both the farmer and the public as it improves water quality.



Stabilized Waterways

A stabilized waterway reduces erosion by slowing the velocity of the flowing water during normal and heavy precipitation. This reduces the amount of sediment and nutrients being carried to rivers and streams, the formation of gullies, and the impact of flooding.

Grassed Waterway

Eroding channel before Regraded and installed geotextile fabric



Hydroseeded to help vegetation grow Finished grassed and stabilized waterway




Rock-lined Waterway



Cover Cropping

Cover cropping is a management strategy that benefits both the soil and water quality. Cover crops such as winter wheat and clover are used to suppress weeds, minimize soil erosion, improve soil fertility, and promote biodiversity.
